I have come to the conclusion that I live in a rational world.

Therefore, as of this point, I will discuss and debate issues of actual and verifiable history, science, constitutional law, and humanistic activism that advances reason, civil rights, environmental sustainability, and post-economic lifestyle for all humans upon this planet.

As of this point, I will not discuss faith based beliefs (beliefs based solely on the words of a single volume of books or on subjective observation only), paranormal or supernatural ideologies, conspiracy theories that are rooted in pseudoscience, and politics which by their very nature are rooted in extreme and inaccurate views of the opponents position.

That is all.

Joseph Tsefanyahu Farkasdi


Question Everything! Then, when you think you have the answers, question everything again!


Whether it is nationalist or capitalist beliefs (the two biggest religions around the world), or whether it is philosophical, ideological, or theological beliefs (all the rest of the religions invented in the human primate’s mind), they are not immune to skepticism or rational critique. In fact, they need to be honestly questioned and treated as one opinion in a vastly creative world of human opinions. Everyone has a perspective, some more objective than others and some more fear-based than others. The only thing reality cares about are our actions, or the lack thereof – regardless of our human fictive imaginations about it. If you don’t believe me, convince me of your ‘truth’ objectively and demonstrably. I am open to this and I will listen. #populism #nationalism #capitalism #creationism #theism

Some random personal quotes, the observations of my mind:

“Actions speak the truth that words seek to avoid. It is better to act, than to speak.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Observe carefully, the universe responds to only two things: our observation of it and our actions that follow.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Sadly, we who need to here this the most are the very ones who choose fictional reality over demonstrable fact. Who choose it at the sacrifice of productive reasonable discourse. Truth is not really our objective. Rather, the rightness of our version of “truth” – our chosen perspective on reality – is all that we will entertain. Hence why, we who need to here this the most are the very ones who unreasonably argue to object and not to listen. We human primates suffer greatly from a mental dance with self-delusion, and this is the very reason that we do not make peace with ourselves and others … and, in doing so, end our self-inflicted suffering in this world. Sadly, we are still a long ways off as a species to correcting this mental condition for the sake of life and real peace.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Praying is nice, it can even be a beautiful thing, for it has the power to influence the self. But, action is where it is at, our collective act of doing, for this has the power to change the lives of others. Thus, pray first, if you must, but then act to help make it happen. Life, the universe, responds to only two things: observation and the acts that follow.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen is happening now. Most of us have difficulty seeing this, for we are way too invested in our perception of the three being separate.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Physics demonstrates that life (reality) responds to our observing it, not to our thoughts about it. It is pseudoscience (religion guised as science) that trys to make it about our mind.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Like each cell is a briefly living but important part of the entire body, so are we as individuals – in body, mind, and consciousness – a briefly existing but necessary part of the ever-changing body of the human species.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Conscious life began with an observation. An act of observing, which led to an act of thinking about what is being observed. This relationship between observing and thinking is what drove our species towards creating an imaginary reality that is as real to us as the objective reality we experience.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Factual historical education is our only hope in preserving a representative democracy in the United States. When the people are educated, they cannot be easily deceived.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Life is not about you or I, it’s about we – as a species. Sadly, too many of us fail to see this because of our human-made subjective fictions about life. And this leads too many of us towards a life of suffering and seeking salvation from this suffering. Life is about we, the species. In this is our purpose for being, and this includes the human species. Individually, our brief presence in life is the successful continuation of the human primate species upon this earth. With all our wildly imaginative fictions that we have about it.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Question Everything! Then, when you think you have the answers, question everything again!” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Conscious life began with an observation. An act of observing, which led to an act of thinking about what is being observed. This relationship between observing and thinking is what drove our species towards creating a fictive language. A cognitive-based language reality that we often mistake as more real than the self-evident reality itself. This act of ‘thinking’ leads all thinking-creatures to an incessant need to be doing, beyond the basic genetic needs for survival, and this is especially the case with our human primate species. Like each cell is an important, though brief, part of the entire body of a nefesh chayah, a “living breathing-creature”, so are we individually – in body, mind, and consciousness – a briefly existing, but necessary, part of the ever-changing body of the human species. A species that is ever-growing more aware of itself consciously.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“An obsession with “purity” is the heart and soul of every single theistic-based religion that human Sapiens have developed throughout human history. This obsession with purity creates caste/class systems, most notably with the “priests” and “elites” in the top class and with the “untouchable” destitute or “poor” class at the bottom. Even the most ideal of “democratic”-based nations continue to move towards this separatist system of the “have” and “have not”, of the “us” and “them”, so long as religion is allowed to have an affectual place in the civil affairs of humans. It doesn’t matter what religion it is – whether theistic, nationalistic, or philosophical – for such human-made ideology to be believed in as an “absolute” or a fundamental reality “truth”, then there has to be those at the bottom who suffer as human beings – all to justify the authority and teachings of those at the top.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Sadly, a person and a nation that chooses divine rule over elevating our common good, from the mis-belief that we are inherently bad and given to “sin”, is a person or a nation that has no liberty. Liberty is what the Founders of this nation fought for – a “People’s democracy” that separates church from state. Sadly, if we, the United States of America, are to remain a free nation and not return to the religious/monarchical rule of Europe’s past, then we must address the take-over of government by the minority evangelical religious-nationalist extreme-right in this nation’s government.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“We are free humans! We do not enslave our minds by believing in the false Gods and promises of human religions. We do not enslave our minds by having allegiance to political ideology and political parties. We do not enslave our minds by rallying behind tribalist nationalism and the false hope of the rich taking care of the working class. All of these are the fictive religions of human making. We are free humans! We stand together throughout this world on our own undeniable urge for democratic freedom, self-determination, and ethical living. We understand that this world is what we make it, and it is our actions – not beliefs – that create the world our children are to inherit.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“The three most important words I have learned in life: ‘I forgive me.’ I know of no other words that are as powerful and life-changing as these three honest heartfelt words spoken to oneself.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“If we raise a generation of students who do not understand the process of science, the methods of discerning factual knowledge, or who are fearful of science that contradicts established social beliefs – because they don’t understand science – and readily give credence to pretend science that feeds upon this ignorance, then we are headed as a nation towards the superstitious thinking of the past that has failed to resolve all of the challenges we have successfully addressed in our Scientific Method times.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“In this post-European Enlightenment post-Scientific Revolution age, every human has a choice. We can choose to believe the stories written in our books, or we can choose to believe the stories in the ground beneath our feet. I, for one, choose to believe the evidence-based stories being discovered in the physical reality that is around us and that is us. I have learned that this is a direct path to lasting peace, for those who embrace it. This is not to say that our human fictions, our secular and religious myths, are without merit. I’m just comfortable with being aware that they are our highly inventive fictions that we apply to this physical reality that we all perceive.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“The history of humankind on this planet – specifically, the history of human Sapiens’ relationship with other human species, with the environment and other life on it, and with each other – began 70,000 years ago. In contrast, the earliest written myth about ourselves, human Sapiens – our origins, place, and purpose, was penned to clay only a mere 3,600 years ago. This is 9,400 years after we drove all remaining human species, but our own, into extinction. We are the youngest human species of the planet, we human Sapiens – self-named, “wise Man”, and alone and untempered in self-importance, we may very well be the shortest lived human species known to the history of planet Earth. We seem destined by our nature, by our intolerance and indifference, towards self-extinction. The biggest question to be eventually answered is how many species will we drive to extinction with us?” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“One is based in fact, and one is based in fiction. One requires observable evidence, and the other requires your faith that it is true. One recognizes that we don’t know all that is important to know yet, but it is within our natural ability to grasp and understand. The other states that all that is important to know has already been written for us, anything else is distraction from the ‘truth’, and it is not our place to know or question further. One insists that it is okay to question everything and assume nothing, and the other insists that we must believe in supernatural beings that are experienced only by imagined belief. One is modern science and, unlike the other, it is not concerned with whether its findings are in conflict with religion. Truth is discovered in demonstrable evidence.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“I’ve come to the realization that it doesn’t matter what we do in life. That all choices that we make are perfectly fine choices, for all ends the same for everyone. In the grand natural scheme of things, we are all a chance accident. It is only in the fictional social world of humans that what we do matters so much. It is only in the social world of humans that there is suffering, shame, and atrocity, for we create it for ourselves. Prove this not to be fundamentally true, without resorting to a book written by humans or a philosophy imagined by humans, if you can. Do we realize that there would be peace on earth this very moment, if everyone realized this?” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“We do not create reality with our thoughts. This is just wishful thinking. But, we do determine the reality that is already around us and is us by our intentional observation of reality. From here we can, then, act and be a contributing creative part of the process already unfolding. This ‘now’, the space-time reality, is bigger than individual or, even, collective us. We are the water molecule in the whirlpool momentarily aware of its existence, before being reabsorbed into the ocean of life.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Don’t be afraid to argue with me, or tell me when I am wrong*. I won’t tell you how many degrees I have, how many languages I speak, how many years of schooling I’ve been immersed in, and how many books I’ve written. Why? Because, I’m confident in my shared statements, alone! And, if I’m proven wrong on a thing or two, then that is learning! I will adjust my views, and with great appreciation for the unexpected schooling. Alright, I’ve given my say.
*- with provided evidence, of course!” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“The victims of racism who “clap back” against their social oppression cannot be called “racist”, except in the fragile minds of their oppressors.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“I am not a slave! Respect must be earned! I will “take a knee” for social justice in the United States of America. I will not “stand for the U.S. flag” again, until *all* citizens – and asylum seekers – are treated equally and justly under the law. Every patriot needs to take a knee, until we get this right!” – Joseph T Farkasdi (P.S. I will not say the Pledge of Allegiance in its present form, either, until it is restored back to it pre-1950’s version.)

“God is an imaginary deity that humans have constructed to absolve themselves of direct responsibility for their actions and inactions, and to bring some sense of explanation to what is presently beyond their grasp of understanding.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Have no god of flesh or god of stone before my face, says the mythic “LORD God” of the Torah. You worship a false god, a human made idol, when you do, and you don’t even know it. We who live on the secular edge of our society are, for this, rejected by the political religion that governs all, simply for our rejecting their national idol and interpretation of behavioral laws. Like gravity. Real things don’t require faith in their existence. … Just saying.” – Joseph T Farkasdi

“Everything from Capitalism and Humanism to Theism, Deism, and Polytheism – just to name a very few – are human religions. Some are based in supernatural ideology, and some are based in superhuman ideology. All are human imagined and shared fictions! They are not a people or a culture, and it requires people having “faith” in them for religions to exist within this world. This is especially so for proselytizing religions, such as Christianity and Islam. Without the people that believe these human religious fictions, they do not exist in reality.” – Joseph Tsefanyahu Farkasdi, Tsefan Josef

“Theistic religions breed the sins of racial, religious, and nationalistic hate for others – disguised as love and tolerance – with their very sacred writs and exegetical theologies! It is pious intolerance and indifference towards others born from idolatry practices and worship of human-invented “absolute truths”. The sin of humanity is its very claim to “salvation” grace – and humanity will only be righteous when it admits that its religions are human fictions, not to be used to oppress others with!” – Joseph Tsefanyahu Farkasdi

“Yes, I know. I am that intellectual verbal asshole that everyone needs, but would rather not have. 🙂 Can’t help myself. We need to relieve ourselves of intellectual dishonesty, by admitting to the historical and contextual truths of things. History and context is my thang! … (This maybe why my posts are so silent in comments. … Believe me, I do embrace the opinions of others!)” – Joseph Tsefanyahu Farkasdi

I Am An Atheist And I Live In A Rational Naked World

How naked in life do you want me to get? How naked must I get? You tell me, please!

A wise man once told me, the most hardest thing to do is to tell the truth and, then, let life unfold as it does. We’ll, here we go, then:

wele sina mi kama ante suli e lukin lon la kama ante lili e toki ukele. o kama sin!

mi le toki e ni! olin mi kepe e uta mi tawa e unpa uta la kepe e palisa mije mi tawa e unpa palisa la kepe e monsi mi tawa kama jo e unpa monsi. tenpo lon la sona sina e kama ante suli!

jan seme li sona e ni la sina kama jo e mi tawa e unpa. o wele mi! wele mi pana tawa sina e sijelo mi! sina paku e tenpo kama mi!!!

toki e ni tawa mi kepe e toki Inli. wele mi la pana mi tawa sina e len ale mi. tenpo lon la mi e len ala la wele mi pana e sijelo mi tawa e unpa ukele e unpa pona sina.

pana mi tawa sina e nimi mi la nimi ale awen lon e lipu ni e lukin lon! toki ante li awen lon e lipu mi pi ilo sona. o lukin e ni! ni lo pona kama tawa sina!

Please, bear with me for a moment, as I prepare your mind. … Nudity itself is not lewd, in any way, shape, or form. It is our natural state of being! Being naked, in itself, does not drive us towards or away from our sexuality. All creatures have to embrace their nudity, but not all creatures struggle with it like so many humans. Nudity, in itself, is not the instigating reason for sexual needs within others – except – when healthy nakedness is being expressed in a clothes covered *culture* that equates being naked (or semi-naked) to sexual proposition, sexual exhibitionism, and sexual abuse.

The United States is such a culture! Hence, therapists often blame exposure to the nudity of others as the reason for sexual addictions in both the young and old. They cannot see that clothes in a sexually repressed culture is the enticer of sexual obsession, especially if it is scantily clad clothing (hiding, specifically, the sexual parts!). Clothing in sexually repressed cultures is both a sexy turn-on and a way to avoid sexual attraction. Even, worse, those raised in sexually repressed families/cultures often are driven to find a human responsive outlet – meaning to go exploring nudity as an outlet for unresolved personal social development, only to feel shame or regret for this later in life . But, here’s the thing about sexuality:

Everyone experiences sexual attraction to others. There are many that experience sexual attraction to those that are forbidden to them by human culture. This is the nature of human sexuality. But, this doesn’t actually have anything to do with nudity, per se. Naturists communities throughout Europe and the United States have demonstrably shown that open human nudity does not equate to increased sexual arousal. From a clearly established psychological perspective, what is common is often ignored, and what is hidden often leads to obsessions.

Even the two thousand year old religious text, the Talmud, says quite plainly that nudity – even among family members – is fine, meaning that there is no sin in this. But, wisely, the Talmud legal code recognizes that this is a truth only up until someone is *uncomfortable* with the nudity – and, then, around that person, it is morally proper to remained clothed once aware of this (Issurei Biah, Chap 21).

A wise man once told me, the most hardest thing to do is tell the truth and, then, let life unfold as it does. We’ll, here we go, then.

Yes, I am circumcised and many from the early years know this first hand. No shame!

“Issurei Biah, Chap 21: A father is permitted to embrace his daughter, kiss her, and sleep with her with their bodies touching and a mother may do the same with her son as long as they are young. When they grow and become mature with the girl’s body becoming developed, they should each sleep in clothing. If the daughter is embarrassed to stand before her father naked or she married, and similarly, if the mother was embarrassed to stand before her son naked, even if (the children) are minors, when one reaches the point when one is ashamed (of being naked) in their presence, they should sleep together only when clothed.”

Everyday of my life I throw a little curse at society for the clothes that I’m forced to wear. Clothes wearing has so negatively impacted my life at different times of itchiness, of daily discomfort in being dressed in society’s shame garments. It’s okay to be seen as we naturally are, and it is a *sin* to be ashamed of this! And I cannot make this *any* clearer than with what you’ve just seen right here! (At least, not online, I can’t. 🙂 )

In my early years, doing amidah in the digambara pulkhanim ha’yehudi ritual way.

Never keep secrets! Never lie about what you’ve done! Follow the example of Madonna and Stormy Daniels, not the example of Bill Clinton. This should be a Talmudic passage (commentary) for Jews in this modern post-20th century world. The moment that you try to hide your past is the moment that haters have possession over you. Never allow the haters to write *your* human story for posterity.


Joseph T Farkasdi · November 8, 2018 at 2:02 pm

Lesson of this 2018 USA midterm election: I will never again vote along party lines for the sake of this country, never again. I will only vote for Beto O’Rourke and Andrew Gillum type candidates. When there are none, I will not vote. I have standards, and I expect my state and national representatives to be of this progressive type. I will not vote to save U.S. citizens from bad choices ever again, because this midterm shows that too many citizens stand by their bad choice. Never again.

Joseph T Farkasdi · February 22, 2019 at 5:17 am

Even more specifically, I will only vote for candidates of the above and candidates who are dedicated and determined to see that the Senate is given term limits, like the presidency, and is held accountable to the will of the people, like the House of Representatives!

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