What we support here in Traditional Ethical Judaism is יהדות חופשית Yahadùt Chofshìt/Hofshìt “Free/Unrestricted Judaism,” meaning free from “ecclesiastical” controls (rules of established institutions) over communal halacha/halakhah and Jewish lifestyle. Thus, Judaism grows and perpetuates itself organically within Jewish communities and within the greater world, whether it be דתי dati “religious” (theistic), מסורתי masorti “traditional” (theistic or non-theistic), or חילוני chiloni/hiloni “secular” (non-religious, cultural, ethnic, or “humanistic”) in nature. In Traditional Ethical Judaism, we specifically support *non-theistic* expressions of Judaism, infusing both masorti and chiloni forms, of course! We do not fear ethno-religious expression and way of life, nor do we “institutionalize” it as the theists and “humanists”/”atheists” do.

This is the kind of Judaism that I experienced growing up as an island Jew. Everything up for debate, and no “halacha policing.” It’s all about learning how to be a Jew in this world, that stands supportively with all Jews around this planet. I am a יהודי חופשי yehudì chofshì “free/unrestricted Jew.” And I show this with my היהדות החופשית ha’yahadùt “ha’chofshìt free/unrestricted Judaism!”

Theistic Judaism, atheistic Judaism, humanistic Judaism, and secular Judaism all cannot honestly make this claim. For from the most insularly religious to the most devoutly non-religious, by limiting yourself to one of these – you are, hence force, an “ecclesiastical” Jewish movement, whether you identify as such or not. Hence why I suspect that this is why no form of Judaism in the West understands my Eastern Jewish mindset on Jewishness.

I suspect that I know why all Western forms of Judaism don’t quite understand me. These Rabbinic Judaism -born Jewish movements are *not* Israeli-style יהדות חופשית free/unrestricted Judaism – even though some of the more “liberal” movements tell themselves, and others, that they are! It’s a very unfortunate inability between us to comprehend each other. It’s also quite saddening!


“The non-religious Israeli [and “Jew” anywhere in this world] knows only a banal Judaism or a fanatical Judaism enclosed in its own world. Against this he sees an Israel [and a Judaism] almost totally cleased of any Jewish concepts. … Too many Israeli [and Jewish] seculars are left stammering when asked to define their Judaism. Secular identity has based itself far too much on hostility to religion and the religious. A secular humanist identity must gather its courage and enter the Jewish (Judaic) territory without abandoning an iota of the universalist tradition. … Only such a Jew can enter into a real dialogue with the other Jewish tribes. Only such Jews can prevent a cleavage from the traditionalist-mizrahi tribe. The alternative is to stand on the fringes of Israeliness [and, worse, to stand within the Christian “white”ness here in the West].”

David “Dedi” Zucker, secular Israeli Jew and politician, “We the Jewish Seculars: What is Secular Jewish Identity?,” 1999

This right here was my direct experience with the Society for Humanistic Judaism and is why I got so quickly chèrem’d by the Society for Humanistic Judaism – a painfully blind elitist failure to understand “Humanist” philosophy and, by such, a failure to identity with all paths of Jewishness through the most important connection inherited with others (who have, at times, vastly different views and beliefs) that they are Jews, also, and *need to be treated* as such by SHJ! Atheistic reactionist Judaism under the philosophical banner of Humanism is certainly *not* enough to ensure the survival of the Jewish people, it only hurts us as a Jewish people!

I was raised on this Eastern chofshì Judaism understanding of who and what a Jew is. It’s not enough to say that “a Jew is anyone who identifies with the Jewish people,” as Jews we must *live this belief*, without Ashkenormative implicit biases that keeps the minorities at the fringes of all things Jewish! We must inclusively *inspire* Jews towards all things Judaism, without compromising our specific beliefs and values.

Everything in the Jewish attic is ours to use to reinvent Judaism – we should promote this always, theistic and non-theistic – and this keeps us in the tribe and in dialogue with each other.


I don’t wear a Fedora because I want to be perceived as a theistic Jew “on the outside,” while being “frei” on the inside. I don’t wear ritual items to “repurpose” them. It was shocking for this to be even suggested about me by Society for Humanistic Judaism leaders (a Rabbi and an Executive Director)! It was a bit entitled and insulting for them to judge me and assume for me *my* story. To speak over me and for me and, then, to explain to me how the SHJ movement believes differently – while professing online, in emails, and in paper mailings that they “embrace” “diversity.”

Hmmm, are you sure, SHJ, that you are about diversity? You say all members are free to be themselves, no rules, but then *insist* on explaining the movement to members who complain about being cyberbullied for their non-theistic Jewish choices and expressions – because, to some SHJ members, we appear theistic.

I wear these clearly Jewish clothing/ritual items for two reasons *as an openly non-theistic Jew* who rejects the prayer Judaism part of Jewishness: One, the Fedora and the tzitzit is a part of my Eastern European Jewish heritage and, Two, the Fedora keeps the bright sunlight off of my eyes. But, USA “secular” Jews, pretending to be “humanists,” have said the former assumptive comments to me on more than one occassion. This is simply how I present as a non-theistic Jew in this world! At least, at this time, until I decide otherwise. The same is true for my inherited non-theistic use of ethno-religious terminology. How can you be Jewish, if your first reaction is to bully Jews who are *being* Jewish?!


If you love this page, then help me get this message out. I don’t hate SHJ for their atheistic reactionary narrow-mindedness. I just want to see them blossom into an actual thriving “Humanistic” Jewish movement!


SHJ?!!! “If you only worry about outward facing extremism, what you’re saying is, “I don’t care about extremism, unless it impacts me, and I don’t care when extremism impacts extremists.”
#SocietyforHumanisticJudaism , sh’ma!
“Why would someone choose not to care about vulnerable people?” How is this humanism?! Inward facing extremism upon those raised to be vulnerable is *just as important* as outward facing extremism upon others not like you.

This is why I value engaging in Torah-based ethics that save vulnerable lives within devoutly religious communities. Trying to tell a religious believer that its just all fiction *doesn’t heal the victimized*, #SHJ ! It only shows you to be extremist elitists – meet in the middle!!!

Here, Yehudis Fletcher questions why those outside the Heredi community [like the secular Heredi community of SHJ] don’t care about “inward facing extremism” and why that must change. Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!!!!

החכם יוסף Chacham Yosef

Chacham Yosef is Joseph T Farkasdi, an accidental sage from too much studying. I am just a simple Jew who got his Jewish education in the most Jewishly inclusive esnoga probably on the planet. This kahal project is an effort to recreate this community experience here in the USA!


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